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Mind Matters: Exploring Some Of The Best Mental Health Books

Written by Sarah Norman

Tagged in

  • wellbeing
  • anxiety
  • autism


Jan 21, 2023, 13 min read

Mental health is an important and complex topic that affects us all. Books have long served as a way to understand, process and cope with it. Let's look at some of the best and most widely-read mental health books that might be beneficial to you on your journey to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Mind Matters: Exploring Some Of The Best Mental Health Books

Famous and influential mental health books

"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl

This classic book is an autobiographical account of the author's experiences as a Holocaust survivor and his reflections on the human capacity to find meaning and purpose in the face of suffering and trauma. It has been called one of the most influential books ever written on the subject of meaning and purpose in life.

"The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath

This is a semi-autobiographical novel that is a powerful and moving portrayal of a young woman's descent into mental illness. This book is considered a classic of feminist literature and is widely studied in universities around the world.

"The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression" by Andrew Solomon

This book is a comprehensive and deeply personal exploration of depression, drawing on the author's own experiences as well as the latest research and scientific understanding. It is considered one of the most important books ever written about depression, and has received numerous awards and accolades.

"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Edmund J. Bourne

A a practical guide for those struggling with anxiety and phobias. It provides tools, techniques, and strategies for coping with and overcoming these conditions. This book is widely used by mental health professionals and individuals seeking self-help.

"An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness" by Kay Redfield Jamison

An honest and moving account of the author's experiences living with bipolar disorder, and the impact it has had on her life and career. This memoir is considered one of the most important books ever written about bipolar disorder.

"The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry" by Jon Ronson

A fascinating investigation into the world of psychopathy and the people who study it, exploring the ways in which we define, diagnose, and treat mental disorders. This book offers a unique perspective on mental health and is a must-read for anyone interested in the field.

"Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns

A self-help book based on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), that provides practical advice and techniques for overcoming depression and anxiety. This book is widely used by mental health professionals and individuals seeking self-help.

Mental health books about ADHD

"Driven to Distraction" by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell and Dr. John J. Ratey

Driven to Distraction is a seminal work on ADHD by two psychiatrists who both have the condition themselves. The book delves into the various manifestations of ADHD in both children and adults, providing real-life case studies to illustrate its points. It highlights the importance of understanding the condition beyond stereotypes and offers practical advice for managing symptoms, improving focus, and enhancing productivity. The authors emphasize that with the right strategies and support, individuals with ADHD can lead successful and fulfilling lives.

"The ADHD Advantage" by Dr. Dale Archer

In The ADHD Advantage, Dr. Dale Archer challenges the predominantly negative perception of ADHD. He argues that the traits associated with ADHD—such as high energy, creativity, and risk-taking—can be advantageous in certain contexts. Through a mix of scientific research and anecdotal evidence, Archer explores how these characteristics can be harnessed for success. He also provides tips for coping with the challenges of ADHD while leveraging its potential strengths.

"Delivered from Distraction" by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell and Dr. John J. Ratey

A follow-up to Driven to Distraction, Delivered from Distraction offers updated insights and strategies for living well with ADHD. The authors expand on their previous work by addressing changes in diagnostic criteria and treatments. They explore the impact of ADHD across different life stages and offer practical advice on a wide range of topics, including medication, therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and self-acceptance. The book aims to empower individuals with ADHD to live more organised, productive, and joyful lives.

"Smart but Scattered" by Dr. Peg Dawson and Dr. Richard Guare

Smart but Scattered focuses on the executive function deficits often seen in individuals with ADHD. The book provides a detailed overview of these cognitive processes, such as planning, organisation, time management, and emotional regulation. Dawson and Guare offer a variety of tools and techniques to help improve these skills in both children and adults. The book includes practical exercises, checklists, and strategies that can be tailored to individual needs, helping readers to better manage their daily tasks and responsibilities.

"You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?" by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo

This classic guide addresses the emotional and psychological aspects of living with ADHD, particularly for adults who may have been undiagnosed for years. Kelly and Ramundo provide a compassionate and insightful look into the struggles faced by those with ADHD, including low self-esteem, frustration, and relationship issues. The book combines personal anecdotes with practical advice, offering strategies for understanding and managing ADHD symptoms. The authors' empathetic approach helps readers feel understood and supported, encouraging them to seek appropriate help and make positive changes in their lives.

Mental health books about autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

"The Reason I Jump" by Naoki Higashida

The Reason I Jump is a groundbreaking memoir written by Naoki Higashida, a then-13-year-old boy with non-verbal autism. The book provides an intimate look into the mind of someone with autism, addressing common questions about the condition through a series of Q&A-style chapters. Higashida's eloquent and insightful reflections challenge misconceptions and offer a deeply personal perspective on the sensory experiences and thought processes of those with autism. The book aims to foster greater understanding and empathy for individuals on the autism spectrum.

"NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity" by Steve Silberman

NeuroTribes explores the history of autism, from early 20th-century diagnoses to contemporary understandings and advocacy. Silberman delves into how societal attitudes towards autism have evolved and highlights the contributions of autistic individuals to science, art, and technology. The book advocates for the neurodiversity movement, which celebrates neurological differences as natural variations of the human genome rather than defects. NeuroTribes offers a compelling argument for inclusivity and acceptance, emphasizing the unique strengths and perspectives that autistic people bring to society.

"Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism" by Temple Grandin

In Thinking in Pictures, Temple Grandin, an autism advocate and animal behaviour expert, shares her personal experiences of living with autism. Grandin describes how she thinks in visual images rather than words, providing a unique insight into the cognitive processes of autistic individuals. She covers topics such as sensory sensitivities, social interactions, and her pioneering work in designing humane livestock handling systems. The book combines autobiographical elements with scientific explanations, offering readers both personal anecdotes and practical advice for understanding and supporting those with autism.

"Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's" by John Elder Robison

Look Me in the Eye is a memoir by John Elder Robison, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in his forties. Robison recounts his unconventional childhood, struggles with social interactions, and his eventual success as an engineer and entrepreneur. The book provides an honest and often humorous account of life on the autism spectrum, highlighting both the challenges and triumphs. Robison's story aims to demystify Asperger’s and inspire others to embrace their differences and pursue their passions.

"Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism" by Dr. Barry M. Prizant

In Uniquely Human, Dr. Barry Prizant offers a compassionate and optimistic approach to understanding autism. Rejecting the notion of autism as a collection of deficits, Prizant frames it as a unique way of being human. He emphasizes the importance of building on individual strengths and understanding the reasons behind behaviours often labelled as problematic. The book provides practical strategies for parents, educators, and caregivers to support autistic individuals in a respectful and effective manner. Prizant’s insights encourage a shift from trying to "fix" autistic people to embracing and accommodating their differences.

Mental health books about OCD

"The Man Who Couldn't Stop: OCD and the True Story of a Life Lost in Thought" by David Adam

The Man Who Couldn't Stop is a deeply personal memoir by David Adam, who recounts his experiences living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The book combines Adam's own story with scientific research and case studies, providing a comprehensive look at how OCD affects individuals. Adam explores the history, causes, and treatments of OCD, while also delving into the impact the condition has on daily life. His narrative sheds light on the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that characterize OCD, aiming to reduce stigma and foster understanding.

"Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior" by Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz

In Brain Lock, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz presents a four-step self-treatment method for managing OCD based on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). The steps—Relabel, Reattribute, Refocus, and Revalue—are designed to help individuals reframe their thoughts and resist compulsive behaviours. Schwartz explains the neurobiological basis of OCD and how the brain can be retrained through mindful awareness. The book includes practical exercises and real-life examples, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to understand and manage their OCD symptoms.

"Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Survival Guide for Family and Friends" by Roy C. Grinker Sr.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Survival Guide for Family and Friends offers insights and advice for the loved ones of individuals with OCD. Roy C. Grinker Sr. provides an overview of the disorder and its effects on both the person with OCD and their family members. The book includes strategies for supporting someone with OCD, setting boundaries, and maintaining healthy relationships. Grinker emphasizes the importance of compassion, patience, and understanding in helping loved ones manage their condition while also taking care of oneself.

"Imp of the Mind: Exploring the Silent Epidemic of Obsessive Bad Thoughts" by Lee Baer

Imp of the Mind focuses on the often-overlooked aspect of OCD: intrusive, unwanted thoughts. Lee Baer, a clinical psychologist, explores why these disturbing thoughts arise and how they contribute to OCD. The book provides reassurance that having such thoughts does not make one a bad person and offers techniques for managing them. Baer discusses various therapeutic approaches, including exposure and response prevention (ERP) and mindfulness, to help individuals reduce the power of these intrusive thoughts and regain control over their lives.

"Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living with Uncertainty" by Dr. Jonathan Grayson

Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Dr. Jonathan Grayson offers a detailed guide to overcoming OCD through tailored treatment plans. Grayson introduces readers to the principles of exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy and provides step-by-step instructions for creating personalized ERP exercises. The book addresses common challenges faced during treatment and includes practical tools for coping with anxiety and uncertainty. Grayson emphasizes the importance of perseverance and self-compassion in the journey towards recovery, making this a valuable resource for anyone affected by OCD.

Mental health books about anxiety

"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Dr. Edmund J. Bourne

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Dr. Edmund J. Bourne is a comprehensive guide offering practical tools for managing anxiety and phobias. The workbook includes a variety of techniques such as relaxation exercises, cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, and lifestyle changes. It provides step-by-step instructions for creating personalized treatment plans, making it an invaluable resource for individuals seeking to understand and control their anxiety. The workbook format encourages active participation, helping readers track their progress and implement effective strategies in their daily lives.

"First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety" by Sarah Wilson

In First, We Make the Beast Beautiful, Sarah Wilson offers a deeply personal and philosophical exploration of living with anxiety. Drawing from her own experiences as well as interviews with experts, Wilson presents a holistic view of anxiety, intertwining memoir with self-help. She challenges readers to see anxiety not as an enemy but as a part of themselves that can be understood and embraced. The book covers various approaches to managing anxiety, including mindfulness, diet, exercise, and acceptance. Wilson’s candid and compassionate narrative aims to inspire and comfort those struggling with anxiety disorders.

"Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks Fast" by Barry McDonagh

Dare by Barry McDonagh introduces a novel approach to overcoming anxiety and panic attacks. The book outlines a four-step process: Diffuse, Allow, Run Toward, and Engage, which encourages individuals to confront their anxiety head-on rather than avoiding it. McDonagh emphasizes the importance of changing one’s relationship with anxiety, viewing it as a challenge to be faced rather than a threat to be feared. The book includes practical exercises and real-life examples, designed to empower readers to break free from the cycle of anxiety and reclaim their lives.

"The Worry Trick: How Your Brain Tricks You into Expecting the Worst and What You Can Do About It" by Dr. David A. Carbonell

In The Worry Trick, Dr. David A. Carbonell explains how the brain’s natural tendency to worry can lead to chronic anxiety. He discusses the concept of "worry traps" and how they perpetuate anxious thoughts and behaviours. Carbonell offers cognitive-behavioural techniques to help readers identify and challenge their worry patterns. The book also provides strategies for managing uncertainty and reducing the impact of worry on daily life. With a focus on practical advice and humour, Carbonell’s approach aims to demystify anxiety and provide readers with effective tools for managing their worries.

"Rewire Your Anxious Brain: How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic, and Worry" by Catherine M. Pittman and Elizabeth M. Karle

Rewire Your Anxious Brain combines neuroscience with self-help to explain the mechanisms behind anxiety and how to overcome it. Authors Catherine M. Pittman and Elizabeth M. Karle explore the roles of the amygdala and cortex in the experience of anxiety. The book provides scientifically-backed strategies for retraining the brain to respond differently to anxiety-provoking situations. Techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and cognitive therapy are discussed in detail. The authors aim to empower readers with a deeper understanding of their brain’s workings, offering practical tools to rewire their responses to anxiety.

Mental health books about PTSD

"The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma" by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk

The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is a seminal work on understanding and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Van der Kolk, a leading expert in trauma, explores how traumatic experiences are stored in the body and brain, influencing emotions, behaviours, and physical health. The book integrates scientific research with clinical insights to explain how trauma affects individuals and offers various therapeutic approaches for healing, including EMDR, neurofeedback, yoga, and mindfulness. Van der Kolk emphasizes the importance of addressing both the mind and body in the recovery process.

"Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma" by Dr. Peter A. Levine

In Waking the Tiger, Dr. Peter A. Levine presents his unique approach to understanding and healing trauma, known as Somatic Experiencing. Levine argues that trauma is not just a psychological issue but also a physiological one, affecting the body's nervous system. Through case studies and theoretical discussions, he explains how unprocessed trauma energy can become trapped in the body, leading to PTSD symptoms. The book provides practical exercises and strategies for releasing this energy and restoring balance, helping individuals to reconnect with their bodies and begin the healing process.

"The Complex PTSD Workbook: A Mind-Body Approach to Regaining Emotional Control and Becoming Whole" by Dr. Arielle Schwartz

The Complex PTSD Workbook by Dr. Arielle Schwartz offers a comprehensive guide for those dealing with complex PTSD, which often results from prolonged or repeated exposure to trauma. The workbook combines cognitive-behavioural techniques, mindfulness practices, and somatic therapies to help individuals understand and manage their symptoms. It includes practical exercises, self-reflection prompts, and coping strategies designed to promote emotional regulation, improve relationships, and enhance overall well-being. Dr. Schwartz emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach that addresses both the mind and body in the recovery journey.

"Healing from Trauma: A Survivor's Guide to Understanding Your Symptoms and Reclaiming Your Life" by Jasmin Lee Cori

Healing from Trauma by Jasmin Lee Cori is a compassionate and accessible guide for trauma survivors seeking to understand their symptoms and begin the healing process. Cori, a psychotherapist and trauma survivor herself, provides an overview of how trauma impacts the brain and body. She offers practical advice on navigating the recovery process, including tips on finding the right therapist, building a support network, and developing self-care routines. The book includes exercises and reflections to help readers gain insight into their experiences and reclaim control over their lives.

"Overcoming Trauma through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body" by David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper

Overcoming Trauma through Yoga explores the use of yoga as a complementary therapy for healing from PTSD. Authors David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper present Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TSY), a practice specifically designed to address the needs of trauma survivors. The book explains how yoga can help individuals reconnect with their bodies, reduce symptoms of PTSD, and foster a sense of safety and empowerment. It includes detailed instructions for trauma-sensitive yoga practices, as well as guidance on creating a safe and supportive environment for healing. Emerson and Hopper highlight the transformative potential of yoga as part of a holistic approach to trauma recovery.

Mental health books vs professional support

Mental health books offer valuable insights, coping strategies, and a deeper understanding of various conditions. However, they should not really be seen as a replacement for professional medical or psychiatric support.

Books provide general information that might not suit individual needs, whereas professionals offer tailored assessments and treatment plans. Books cannot diagnose conditions accurately, which requires a comprehensive evaluation by a trained professional. The expertise of psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists ensures the application of effective, evidence-based practices. Professional support includes interactive, personalised care that books cannot provide. Therapists offer a safe space for exploring thoughts and feelings, giving feedback, and developing coping mechanisms. In crises, immediate intervention by professionals is crucial, something books cannot offer.

Professional therapy also involves accountability and ongoing monitoring, ensuring progress and adjusting treatment as needed. Effective mental health care often requires a multifaceted approach, coordinated by professionals. Additionally, mental health professionals adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring respectful, non-judgemental, and safe care.

While mental health books can be excellent educational resources, they should complement, not replace, professional care. If you feel like you're facing significant mental health challenges, you should seek help from licensed professionals who provide comprehensive, personalised, and effective support to help you to take control of your mental and emotional wellness.

Whether you’re feeling off-kilter or want to shake up your routine, our state-of-the-art mental wellbeing platform gives you quick and seamless access to world-class support on your terms, from private psychiatric assessments to helping you find a therapist near you for support on your journey.

If you have a question about mental health, like if reflexology for depression really works, we’re here to assist on your journey. Our free 15 minute consultation can guide you to the most relevant specialists to answer your questions and discuss next steps.

DISCLAIMER: The content published by Augmentive is not designed to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Always consult your GP or a qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition and before starting any therapy, diet, exercise, or any other health-related programme.

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